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Michael Bibb

Retirement Or Your 'Third Act'
What Will Your 50’s & Beyond Hold For You?
You have spent your life to this point helping and growing the family and now it it time to focus on you, your time and your legacy, your Third Act.
"A fulfilling life is different to each person. You have to acknowledge your dreams
and not just wait for life to happen and opportunities
to come knocking at your door". (J Lunden)












Tailored Coaching to make much of time

You decide:

One to one coaching with me, as your accountability partner making sure you are as vibrant and successful as you were in your 30's.


A 3 month program to get you back on track.h coaching program

                   The time is now! Seize your day.

"I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.  Life is no ‘brief candle’ for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handling it on to future generations." (Shaw)

1-2-1 Success Coaching with Michael Bibb
Transformational Life Coach Michael Bibb

Are you ready?......

What's stopping you from being the best version of you?  

It's your mindset, right.

Remember - The man who says he can and the man who says he can't, are both usually right.

Helping you seize your day is at the heart of what I do. Defogging all that noise, checking in with life long habits and breaking down those self limiting beliefs.  


Make the best future you can, starting from           today.

Your Time is now


Your Time is up

- You choose 

It is in your hands.

Michael Bibb
Founder & Coach

Living life to the fullest is what we all aspire to but 'life' can get in the way.  Like you, I have to juggle work/business & family, so when I am not working with clients, I manage to find a bit of time to training compete in Ironman triathlons and Ultra runs in my 50's and raising funds and awareness for our chosen charities: MIND, The Rainbow Trust and Molly Ollys Wishes, in my way leaving my mark upon this world. I always ask clients,"What is their way?".  Many don't know but this is something we work on together .

Having had 1000s of hours of coaching and being coached, I'm ready to work with you:

Kinder Institute RLP

Master NLP Practitioner

RMT Core 100 Graduate

Animas Transformation Coach

Registered Financial Planner PFS


The average lifespan is between 2-3 billion seconds -

How are you making your seconds count?

Michael Bibb The Rocky Project Book Author


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Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
One Life.  Your Life. Best Life.
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